
- Every kit experience has to start with the building itself.
- Assemble the kit from 3616 quality parts according to the clear instructions. The resulting ship is large, but even so the construction is not overly complicated.

- The kit is ideally sized for both a room display and a thrilling space battle. It measures 36 cm wide, 37 cm long and 26 cm high.

- The model is of high quality, solid and detailed. Its construction is made up of 2 central suspensions, each with 1 ion engine. The ship has a characteristic shape that is very accurate compared to the original model.
- The fighter contains a few little things that you will only notice up close. Whether it's the precisely shaped cockpit, the ion engines, or the superbly executed exterior wing covering.
- Although the spaceship is a product of the imagination of science-fiction enthusiasts, the Empire Battleship also has set technical parameters and they are interesting:
-length 7.2 m, width 6.7 m, height 8.85 m
-propulsion by double ion motor P-s4 and ion manoeuvring motor
-maximum speed in the atmosphere 1 200 km/h
-armament 2x laser cannon L-s
-passive armour protection made of Quandanium steel
-crew 1 pilot
-cargo compartment capacity 110 kg
-cargo hold capacity 3 000 tonnes
-maximum mission duration without interruption 2 days
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